Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched metro projects worth over Rs 19,000 crore in Mumbai today. Flanked by Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis and Mumbai Metro officials, PM Modi took a tour of the new coach and the train. He also inaugurated three Metro lines that is expected to add more than 42 km to the metro network of the city.
The venue of PM Modi's public event in Mumbai was shifted to the Jio World Centre''s mega convention centre from the MMRDA Grounds due to possibility of rain, officials said.
PM Modi also visited Aurangabad to address a state-level Mahila Saksham Melava or a meet of self-help groups organised by Maharashtra State Rural Livelihood Mission (UMED).
The prime minister inaugurated AURIC (Aurangabad Industrial City) business and administrative building and dedicated DMIC AURIC City to the nation.
He was also scheduled to visit Nagpur for metro projects, but the same had to be postponed at the last moment due to heavy rain forecast.
Here are highlights on PM Modi's visit to Maharashtra:
PM Modi in Aurangabad,Maharashtra: The promise we took to provide 8 crore free gas connections under Ujjwala Yojna was fulfilled today, 7 months ahead of the planned date. (Ayesha Sheikh of Aurangabad got gas connection no 8 crore)
- ANI (@ANI) September 7, 2019