Prime Minister Narendra Modi, on a visit to Himachal Pradesh for the oath ceremony of the new BJP government today, tweeted about "reminiscing old days" as he stood in the middle of Shimla's Mall Road and sipped a cup of coffee. He also posted a photo in which he is seen with his cup just outside the Indian Coffee House while a large crowd gathered around him for a glimpse or for selfies.
Seen in a brown Himachali cap and a waistcoat, the Prime Minister seemed unfazed by the surging crowd at Shimla's busiest spot. He had stopped on his way to the helipad. For a part of the drive, he stood on the footboard and waved at people lining the road.
During an earlier visit, he had shared that he spent hours at the Coffee House with his journalist friends but "never paid" for the coffee. He remarked that his journalist friends used to pick up the tab.
"Sitting at the Indian Coffee House along with my journalist friends, I used to get an insight into the state's political developments," said PM Modi, who was the BJP's in-charge of Himachal Pradesh from 1994 and 2002.
PM Modi was last floored by coffee during a visit to Andhra Pradesh last year. A media report describes his experience with Araku coffee at a maritime exhibition in Vishakhapatnam.
In Shimla, relished coffee at the Indian Coffee House and reminisced old days. The coffee tastes as good as it did two decades ago, when I would frequent Himachal for party work.
- Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) December 27, 2017
Seen in a brown Himachali cap and a waistcoat, the Prime Minister seemed unfazed by the surging crowd at Shimla's busiest spot. He had stopped on his way to the helipad. For a part of the drive, he stood on the footboard and waved at people lining the road.
He spent more than 10 minutes at the Coffee House that he frequented as a young politician travelling between Delhi and Himachal Pradesh.
During an earlier visit, he had shared that he spent hours at the Coffee House with his journalist friends but "never paid" for the coffee. He remarked that his journalist friends used to pick up the tab.
"Sitting at the Indian Coffee House along with my journalist friends, I used to get an insight into the state's political developments," said PM Modi, who was the BJP's in-charge of Himachal Pradesh from 1994 and 2002.
Last week, an old photo of PM Modi in Himachal Pradesh was shared by his party colleague PK Dhumal, who could not become chief minister despite being named for the post by the BJP because he lost from his own constituency.
PM Modi was last floored by coffee during a visit to Andhra Pradesh last year. A media report describes his experience with Araku coffee at a maritime exhibition in Vishakhapatnam.
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