Maharashtra pilot Amol Yadav, who had got a Rs 35,000 crore deal for India's first plane factory last year, met Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday. Mr Yadav, who has built a 6-seater indigenous experimental aircraft, said the PM assured him of support for his project.
After the meeting in Delhi, Mr Yadav said he was happy to know that PM Modi was following his project. "I am really happy that he was following the project and invited me to his house. He asked me if my dream has been fulfilled now. It was unexpected for me. He knows a lot about my project," Mr Yadav told news agency ANI.
Mr Yadav said PM Modi asked him a lot of questions about his projects. "He asked me several questions about the project and assured me of support. I have been working on this aircraft for 19 years," he added.
An innovator, Mr Yadav built a six-seater experimental aircraft on the terrace of his home in suburban Mumbai over a period of 19 years.
Mr Yadav faced difficulties in getting regulatory clearances from aviation watchdog DGCA
On learning about his project, Maharashtra Chief Minister Devender Fadnavis brought it to the notice of the PM Modi, who in turn directed authorities to process his request.
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