Prime Minister Narendra Modi this morning reached the Bandipore Tiger Reserve in Karnataka for a 20-km safari as part of programmes to mark 50 years of "Project Tiger''. He was shown habitat improvements, water holes, and elephant camps. He also interacted with frontline field staff and self-help groups involved in conservation activities later.
PM Modi visited the Theppakadu Elephant Camp of Mudumalai Tiger Reserve in Tamil Nadu, where the Oscar-winning documentary 'The Elephant Whisperers' was shot. PM Modi met Raghu, the orphaned elephant featured in the documentary, and also Bomman and Bellie, who raised the little jumbo. The couple is the key star of the documentary.
The PM also attended an inaugural programme at the Karnataka State Open University (KSOU) in Mysuru. A walk-in exhibition showing progress in the wildlife sector across the country was also showcased.
At an event in Mysuru, the PM released the government's vision plan for tiger conservation during 'Amrit Kaal', and launched the International Big Cats Alliance (IBCA). Another report, the Management Effectiveness Evaluation (MEE) of tiger reserves, was also released, along with a commemorative coin on the 50 years of the tiger project.
The PM then released the 2022 tiger census numbers.