Prime Minister Narendra Modi today tweeted a post he wrote on LinkedIn on the COVID-19 lockdown. "As the world battles COVID-19, India's energetic and innovative youth can show the way in ensuring healthier and prosperous future. Shared a few thoughts on @LinkedIn which would interest youngsters and professionals," PM Modi tweeted.
"It has been a topsy-turvy start to the third decade of this century. COVID-19 has brought with it many disruptions," PM Modi wrote on LinkedIn.
"Coronavirus has significantly changed the contours of professional life. These days, home is the new office. The Internet is the new meeting room. For the time being, office breaks with colleagues are history... I have also been adapting to these changes. Most meetings, be it with minister colleagues, officials and world leaders, are now via video conferencing," said the Prime Minister, who has been holding video conferences with chief ministers and other leaders to review the lockdown and the road ahead.
As the world battles COVID-19, India's energetic and innovative youth can show the way in ensuring healthier and prosperous future.
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) April 19, 2020
Shared a few thoughts on @LinkedIn, which would interest youngsters and professionals.
"One is seeing the ways through which people are continuing their work in these times. There are a few creative videos by our film stars conveying a relevant message of staying home. Our singers did an online concert. Chess players played chess digitally and through that contributed to the fight against COVID-19. Quite innovative," PM Modi said.
"The work place is getting Digital First. And, why not? After all, the most transformational impact of Technology often happens in the lives of the poor. It is technology that demolishes bureaucratic hierarchies, eliminates middlemen and accelerates welfare measures," the Prime Minister said.
Most offices have now set up work-from-home systems during the lockdown.
The number of coronavirus cases in India has climbed to 15,712, which includes 507 deaths, the Health Ministry said today, adding that 1,334 cases and 27 deaths were reported in the last 24 hours.
The top medical body Indian Council of Medical Research or ICMR has reported 16,365 cases across the country, nearly 600 more than the figures released by the Health Ministry. On Saturday, Defence Minister Rajnath Singh chaired a meeting of a Group of Ministers (GoM) at his residence to and discussed re-starting economic activity in non-containment zones after April 20, in line with announcements made by Prime Minister Narendra Modi earlier this week.
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