This Article is From Aug 17, 2015

'The Eyes of the World are on Asia,' Says PM Modi in Masdar

'The Eyes of the World are on Asia,' Says PM Modi in Masdar
Masdar, UAE: Prime Minister Narendra Modi took part in an investors' meet in the smart, zero-carbon city of Masdar.

Here are the highlights of what he said:
  • It took 34 years for an Indian PM to come here.
  • I promise, it won't take this long again.
  • It needs to be said that the big countries of the 'first world' have begun to falter.
  • The eyes of the world are now on Asia.
  • I believe India is a land of possibilities.
  • 125 crore people aren't just a 'market'. They are a power.
  • India is one of the fastest growing economies in the world.
  • Asia is incomplete without UAE.
  • We want to see Asia do well in the future.
  • India's potential, and UAE's power can help shape India's future.
  • I have inherited a few troubles - government's lethargy, indecision and the image that it has created.
  • I want to fix all that.
  • After 30 years, a government with a full mandate has come to power.
  • We have decided to allow 100 per cent FDI investment in railways.
  • When it comes to defense manufacturing, we want to join hands with you in this. The sky is the limit.
  • In the insurance sector, 49 per cent FDI.
  • In the real estate sector, there are lots of possibilities.
  • When India will celebrate its 75th year of Independence, by then we want to make 50 million low-cost houses.
  • There are many countries in the world that don't have 50 million houses.
  • But my government has to add that many, in just seven years.
  • We want better technologies for low-cost housing.
  • For that I know, I must upgrade existing infrastructure.
  • In the agricultural sector, I want to build a huge network based on cold storage and warehousing.
  • To waste agro products is a crime.
  • We realize we are a bit behind in public-private partnerships.
  • For the world, India can perform miracles.
  • I want to carry it forward.
  • You have compelled the world to come and visit your desert.
  • Then India has much to offer.
  • We want the world at our doorstep as well.
  • I want to extend my hand in friendship.
  • If we move one step ahead, we solve 1/6th of the world's problems.
  • We hold that kind of power.
  • We have a stable, decisive government in India.
  • Have felt ashamed why we wasted 34 years in coming here.
  • I want to fill 34 years' void while I'm here.