Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Vice President M Venkaiah Naidu on Monday greeted people on Baisakhi, Vishu, Puthandu, Masadi, Vaishkhadi and Bohag Bihu, saying as the nation passes through testing times, festivals like these rejuvenate spirits and lend guidance and direction.
These festivals, mostly associated with harvesting, are being celebrated on Monday and Tuesday.
In a series of tweets, PM Modi greeted people on Odia new year and Maha Bishuba Pana Sankranti.
"Happy #OdiaNewYear and Maha Bishuba Pana Sankranti. May the coming year bring happiness and good health in everyone''s lives," he said.
On Baisakhi, PM Modi said the festival associated with new aspirations should infuse new energy and new enthusiasm in everyone''s life.
In his message, Mr Naidu said as the nation passes "through testing times, festivals like these rejuvenate our spirits and lend us guidance and direction".
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