Prime Minister Narendra Modi today inaugurated the Pune metro rail project and took a ride with "young friends" shortly thereafter. "Ensuring convenient and comfortable travel for the people of Pune," PM Modi's office tweeted as it shared a photo of the Prime Minister sitting inside the metro train with children.
PM Modi, who was earlier pictured buying metro train ticket, took the ride from Garware Metro Station to Anandnagar station.
As of now, a 12-km stretch of the total 32.2-km Pune Metro Rail Project is operational.
The trains will be operational along 2 routes - Vanaz to Garware College Metro Station, and PCMC to Phugewadi Metro Station.
Passengers will be allowed to board the trains only if they are fully vaccinated.
The total cost of the Pune metro project is over Rs 11,400 crore. The Prime Minister had laid the foundation stone for the project on December 24, 2016.