Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday said India was developing at a rapid pace and things that were seen as impossible were becoming a reality, but vested interests were trying to mislead the nation and cause unrest.
In his video address at an event held by a Tamil magazine, the Prime Minister said his government's decisions have helped further India's economic and social integration.
Listing out the initiatives, including scrapping of Article 370, abolition of triple talaq and GST implementation, he said: "Today, as India is developing at a rapid pace and things that were seen as impossible are becoming a reality."
However, a "... vested interest group is unable to digest the changes. They are trying their level best to mislead, confuse and cause unrest.
During such times, there was an increasing responsibility for a magazine like "Thuglak" to keep the people aware, just as its founder editor Cho Ramasamy would have done, he said.
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