Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who is currently on a three-nation tour, arrived in Paris for bilateral meetings with his French counterpart Edouard Philippe and French President Emmanuel Macron. "This visit will add to the ground covered during previous interactions with the French leadership," PM Modi tweeted ahead of his talks with Macron at Chateau de Chantilly.
During the meetings, the two leaders held one-on-one interaction which was followed by the delegation-level talks.
The Prime Minister will also address the Indian community in France and dedicate a memorial to the Indian victims of the two Air India crashes in France in the 1950s and 1960s.
In a statement ahead of his visit, PM Modi said: "India and France have excellent bilateral ties, which are reinforced by a shared vision to cooperate for further enhancing peace and prosperity for our two countries and the world at large."
He said the strong strategic and economic partnership is complemented by a shared perspective on major global concerns such as terrorism and climate change. "I am confident that this visit will further promote our long-standing and valued friendship with France for mutual prosperity, peace and progress," the prime minister said.
Here are the Highlights of PM Modi's visit to France:
The relationship between India and France is based on solid ideals of 'Liberty, Equality and Fraternity'. The two countries stand firm together to meet the challenges of climate change, environment, and technology inclusive development: PM Modi
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday held wide-ranging talks with French President Emmanuel Macron during which the two leaders discussed issues of bilateral and mutual interests to further boost the comprehensive strategic partnership