West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Thursday said she will hold a virtual meeting with Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday as the number of daily coronavirus cases in the state has increased to 14,022.
Addressing a press conference in Howrah today, the Chief Minister said, "The number of daily COVID-19 cases has increased to 14,022 and active cases to 33,042 in the state. I will attend a virtual meeting with Prime Minister Narendra Modi tomorrow."
Giving details about the COVID-19 situation in West Bengal, she said restrictions will be increased along with mandatory RT-PCR test for interstate border area movement.
"A total of 2,075 COVID-19 patients hospitalised here and as many as 403 areas are containment zones. The positivity rate is 23.17 per cent, the fatality rate is 1.18 per cent, and around 19,517 beds are available. RT-PCR must for interstate border area movement," she added.
Further, the chief minister said that the next 15 days are important and the state government will increase COVID-19 restrictions.