Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who conducted an aerial survey of the flood-affected areas of Gujarat on Tuesday evening, has announced an interim relief of Rs 500 crore. The central government, after a detailed survey has been conducted, will give whatever is additionally required, the PM said in a statement after reviewing the situation. "Everything possible will be done to help the farmers who suffer immensely due to floods," PM Modi said. Around 33,000 people have been evacuated over the last 24 hours in Gujarat. The floods have hit the north and central parts of the state.
Here are the top 10 developments in this story:
After arriving in Ahmedabad on Tuesday evening, PM Modi chaired an hour-long meeting with state officials at the airport where Chief Minister Vijay Rupani, Deputy Chief Minister Nitin Patel and senior officials of the state government were present. "A detailed presentation on the situation caused by heavy rains was shared with the prime minister," official sources told Press Trust of India.
Teams of National Disaster Response Force, the Border Security Force, the army and the Air Force are engaged into rescue and relief operations. PM Modi said 10 more Indian Air Force helicopters will be pressed into service.
The PM also announced Rs 2 lakh for the families of those who have lost their lives in the floods. Those injured will be given Rs 50,000 by the centre which would be over and above the assistance provided by the state government.
Chief Minister Rupani had earlier today called on Prime Minister Narendra Modi at Parliament House and apprised him of the situation, after which the PM decided to conduct an aerial survey.
The flood has affected Banaskantha, Sabarkantha, Anand, Patan and parts of Valsad districts in Gujarat. Huge swathes of the state are cut off as more than a dozen state highways and rail tracks remain submerged.
North Gujarat and Saurashtra got hit after heavy rains caused the Sabarmati river to overflow. The situation worsened after Rajasthan's Dhantiwada, Sipu and Dharoi dams overflowed, hitting the low lying areas of Banaskantha, Patan and Anand districts.
Rail services between Ahmedabad and Delhi stopped as the rail tracks, too, got flooded. Waterlogging on tracks forced the Delhi-bound Rajdhani Express to return to Ahmedabad from Mehsana yesterday.
Since June, 70 people have died in Gujarat due to rain related incidents. Heavy rains are expected till July 29.
During the last 24 hours, at least 12 talukas of Banaskantha, Patan and Sabarkantha districts received over 200 mm of rainfall, read a release issued by the State Emergency Operations Centre.
Rains have also lashed several parts of the country, including West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh and Himachal Pradesh. The situation in flood-ravaged Assam has shown some improvement.