The PM travelled to Guwahati, his adopted city to cast his vote on Thursday. But this connection may not be enough for his party to win seats in the state.
Voters preferred to stay away from this polling booth in the capital complex Dispur. The security blanket was too heavy to handle the city's high profile resident. The Prime Minister himself came all the way from New Delhi to cast his vote, his wife Mrs. Gurbachan Singh accompanying him.
"He could be the PM but today he's just an ordinary citizen like us who have come to cast their vote," said a voter.
The media almost falling over the PM, an amused Dr Singh waited for the cameras to settle down.
"There will be a Congress government at the centre," said Dr Manmohan Singh.
Dr Manmohan Singh calls it his homecoming. While one section of people would like to believe that he has established a connection with the people of the state he represents, many feel he is just a representative of the Congress party.