The Mumbai Police has filed a case against members of the Shiv Sena who organized a rally at Shivaji Park on Dusshera.
The Bombay High Court had ruled that the party would be permitted to go ahead with its annual rally at Shivaji Park, provided the speakers did not exceed the 50-decibel limit. The Sena agreed to that in court.
But at the rally, Shiv Sena chief Bal Thackeray had mocked the Bombay High Court saying "Is my volume within 50 decibels. No one can contain or stifle the Shiv Sena's roar."
In an editorial in its mouthpiece, Saamana, the party today said, "Loudspeakers blaring out 'azaan' atop mosques in Bhendi Bazar and Behrampada areas disturb sleep and children's studies. Action should be taken against them also."
The Bombay High Court had ruled that the party would be permitted to go ahead with its annual rally at Shivaji Park, provided the speakers did not exceed the 50-decibel limit. The Sena agreed to that in court.
But at the rally, Shiv Sena chief Bal Thackeray had mocked the Bombay High Court saying "Is my volume within 50 decibels. No one can contain or stifle the Shiv Sena's roar."
In an editorial in its mouthpiece, Saamana, the party today said, "Loudspeakers blaring out 'azaan' atop mosques in Bhendi Bazar and Behrampada areas disturb sleep and children's studies. Action should be taken against them also."