The Delhi Police has registered cases against AAP, BJP councillors over the clashes during polls to the municipal body's key panel. A senior police officer said they had received complaints from both the parties - the BJP and the AAP - on Friday. A case has been registered at the Kamla Nagar police station.
During the voting to the Municipal Corporation of Delhi's six member standing committee on Friday, a fight broke out after Mayor Shelly Oberoi declared one vote invalid. Visuals from the MCD house showed both Bharatiya Janata Party and Aam Aadmi Members kicking, punching and pushing one another amid shouting.
Both the BJP and the AAP blamed each other for the incident that forced the mayor to adjourn the House. One video showed councillors from both parties hurling water bottles and apples at each other inside the House while in another, women councillors could be seen hitting each other.
During the chaos, which forced the adjournment of the MCD House proceedings till Monday, a councillor, Ashok Manu, collapsed. He was rushed to a nearby hospital.
The mayor has said the election exercise would begin afresh as ballot papers and other key documents were torn or lost in Friday's dustup.
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