The BJP on Friday said the death of its Jehanabad district general secretary Vijay Singh in alleged police lathi charge in Patna was "a pre-planned conspiracy" of the Nitish Kumar government to stop people of the state from demanding their rights and justice.
BJP leader and Union minster Nityanand Rai said the "brutal" lathi charge and use of tear gas shells by the police on the BJP leaders and workers during their protest against various decisions of the Bihar government was a reminder of the British Raj.
"Police lathi charge on BJP workers was a pre-planned, state-sponsored conspiracy to stop people of Bihar from demanding their rights and justice," the Minister of State for Home Affairs told a press conference at the BJP headquarters here.
"It's Jungle raj 3.0 in Bihar under Chief Minister Nitish Kumar and his deputy Tejashwi Yadav," he added The BJP demands that the Bihar government rollback all decision taken against the interests of farmers, students and teachers, Rai said.
The BJP also demands the arrest of those who killed Vijay Singh, he added.
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