VG Siddhartha, the founder of the popular chain Cafe Coffee Day and son-in-law of former Karnataka Chief Minister SM Krishna, has gone missing from Mangaluru in Karnataka, the police said. Karnataka Chief Minister BS Yediyurappa and Congress leaders DK Shivakumar and BL Shankar visited the Bengaluru home of BJP leader SM Krishna this morning. Police have been searching for Mr Siddhartha near the Netravati river in Mangaluru, where he was last seen, according to reports.
Here are the updates on this developing story:
Requested Hon HM Sri @AmitShah Ji for central govt's help to trace VG Siddhartha, who found to be missing since yesterday.
- Shobha Karandlaje (@ShobhaBJP) July 30, 2019
A gentleman, who popularised Coffee across the world, known for his business acumen.