Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde's son and Kalyan MP Shrikant Shinde has written to the Thane police commissioner objecting the "unilateral" decision by the police to divert traffic in their residential area, a move he said has drawn criticism to the Shinde family.
After the letter was issued, the Deputy Commissioner of Police, Traffic, withdrew the circular on Wednesday night.
Police have stepped up security outside the private residence of the chief minister in Loiuswadi area in Thane city in view of the protests by Maratha community members for quota in various parts of the state.
Shrikant Shinde stated that the police took the decision on traffic diversion outside their residential building without consulting them.
Also, we do not want to put the citizens of the city to any kind of hardships, the letter stated.
"The traffic wing of the Thane Police has issued a circular on Wednesday for traffic changes in Louiswadi area where our 'Shubhdeep' building which is the residence of the Chief Minister is located. "The changes are proposed for the family members of the Chief Minister. My name is also mentioned in it though neither I nor my family made any such request or suggestion to change the traffic in our residential area. Also, we were not given any forewarning before issuing the notification in such a manner," he stated.
Due to the circular issued by the police, our family is being defamed in media and social media, the MP said.
"It is the fault of the police and we are being criticised for the same and it has resulted in a very irritating situation. We have no right to block the road of common people. We do not accept the VIP culture at all," he said.
The letter stated that strict action would be taken against the officials who issued the traffic change circular and the road should be opened for traffic.
After the letter was issued, the Deputy Commissioner of Police, Traffic, withdrew the circular.
Shrinkant Shinde called up the DCP and categorically told him that any such notification which would trouble the citizens was not acceptable. Hence the notification was being cancelled, the DCP (traffic) stated. \
(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)