In a stunning twist in seven-year-old boy Pradyuman Thakur's murder case in Gurgaon's Ryan International School, a 16-year-old boy of the same school was taken to custody by the CBI on Wednesday. The murder was earlier pinned on the bus conductor Ashok Kumar who was arrested by the Haryana police. Pradyuman's parents, however, demanded a CBI probe as they didn't believe the police.
Following is the chronology of the events in sensational murder case of Pradyuman Thakur:
November 9:
The Class 11 boy, accused of slitting the throat of seven-year-old Pradyuman Thakur, his junior at the Ryan International School in Gurgaon, was taken to knife shops and will also be taken to school as a CBI team tried to reconstruct the murder.
The CBI is investigating a child for another child's murder for the first time.
November 8
After questioning more than 125 students and teachers, the CBI delivered a twist to the Pradyuman murder case and revealed that the seven-year-old was murdered by a 16-year-old Class 11 student who wanted his exams and a parent-teacher meeting postponed.
The CBI gave a clean-chit to the bus conductor Ashok Kumar.
October 7
The Punjab and Haryana High Court today granted interim bail to Ryan International Group CEO Ryan Pinto, and his parents, founding chairman Augustine Pinto and managing director Grace Pinto, in connection with the killing of Pradyuman.
October 2
The principal of Gurgaon's Ryan International School, Neerja Batra, got reinstated at another branch of the school in Gurgaon's Sector 40 after a spell of suspension.
September 19:
Ryan International School, which opened on September 18 - 10 days after the murder of seven-year-old Pradyuman Thakur -- were shut down again for a week.
September 16
The Central Board of Secondary Education, or CBSE, sent notice to the school to explain why it should not be stripped of its affiliation to the country top education body.
"From the sequence of events, it appears that the school is guilty of gross negligence and failed to ensure safety and security of the students in the school'', the education board's notice to the school said.
September 15
Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar hands over the case to the CBI.
September 14
Gurgaon police chief Sandeep Khirwar told NDTV that he was "200 per cent sure" that the investigation was on the right track adding there was also a huge "criminal culpability" on part of the school in the crime.
The special investigation team found a number of lapses, including no separate toilet facility for the school's support staff, many non-functional CCTV cameras and a persistent lack of necessary background checks and police verification of staff members.
September 13:
Pradyuman's father approached the Bombay High Court seeking to oppose the pre-arrest bail pleas of the trustees of Ryan International Group.
September 8
The body of the 7-year-old boy Pradyuman Thakur, a student of Class 2, was found inside the Ryan International School's toilet in Gurgaon's Bhondsi area, less than an hour after his father had dropped him off. His throat had been slit.
The Haryana police arrested the conductor of his school bus, Ashok Kumar. They say he confessed that he tried to sexually assault Pradyuman and killed him when he resisted.
Ryan group's CEO, Ryan Pinto, and his parents -- Augustine Pinto, the founding chairman of the group, and Grace Pinto, its managing director -- approached the high court seeking transit anticipatory bail apprehending arrest in the case.
The Supreme Court issued notices to the Centre, the Haryana government and the Central Board of Secondary Education after the boy's father sought a CBI investigation into the murder and safety guidelines for schools.
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