BJP MP Pragya Thakur, who kicked up a huge row with her remark on Nathuram Godse, on Friday moved a breach of privilege notice in parliament against senior Congress leader Rahul Gandhi for referring to her as a "terrorist".
"Being a woman, the way I have fought against the mental and physical torture carried out by previous government as part of a conspiracy, can that struggle be called terrorism?" she said in the notice.
"I want to ask would questions be raised against the MP who levelled such allegation against a woman without any evidence? Will action be taken against him?" she added.
Reacting to Pragya Thakur's remark on Thursday in which she called Mahatma Gandhi's assassin Godse a patriot, Mr Gandhi had called her a "terrorist".
"Terrorist Pragya calls terrorist Godse, a patriot. A sad day in the history of India's parliament."
A day after the BJP condemned her remark, Pragya Thakur, an accused in the Malegaon blast case, said in parliament that no charge had been proven against her.
"A member of the house referred to me as 'terrorist'. It is an attack on my dignity as a member of parliament and also as a woman. No charges against me have been proven in court. I have been misquoted and victimised. It's derogatory to call me a terrorist. It is illegal to call me a terrorist and whoever has done this directly insulting the judicial system," she lashed out.
BJP members of parliament had demanded a privilege motion be brought against Mr Gandhi for remark. They also said Mr Gandhi must be apologise.
Mr Gandhi appeared unfazed with BJP's protest. "Let them do it. I have made my stand clear," Mr Gandhi told reporters outside parliament. "What Pragya Thakur says is what she believes in. I don't agree with her, but she believes in it," Mr Gandhi added.
The Lok Sabha secretariat will examine the merit of her complaint before recommending to the Speaker whether to admit her notice and send it to the privilege committee of the House or reject it, news agency PTI reported.
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