Describing Congress leader Pranab Mukherjee as a 'gentleman', West Bengal Chief Minister Buddhadev Bhattacharjee on Monday said he appeared to be not willing to issue the report card against the Left Front government.
"I know that in his heart he was unwilling," Bhattacharjee said at a press meet here with reference to Congress' issuing the report card against the Left Front recently.
Mukherjee, he said, carries two exercise books. "One contains the data about development of West Bengal under LF government and the other prepared by his party to speak against us for the election campaign purposes."
Asked for his comment on Mukherjee's charges against the LF government as well as the Left parties' 'day dream' to capture power at the Centre and other allegations during his electioneering, Bhattacharjee said "Such words are required to be used during election campaigns. Pranabda is a gentleman."