BJP leader Nisith Pramanik and Samajwadi Party patriarch Mulayam Singh Yadav were issued fresh ballots after they could not cast their votes properly in the first attempt in the presidential poll being held Monday.
Mr Yadav arrived in Parliament in a wheelchair, but faltered while casting his vote, and was given another chance to do so, sources said.
Mr Pramanik also could not cast his vote properly in the first attempt, they said, adding he was also allowed a second chance as per rules.
Former prime minister Manmohan Singh was also in a wheelchair and was assisted by polling officers in exercising his franchise.
Congress Rajya Sabha MP from Gujarat Amee Yagnik is the party's polling agent, while the BJP has assigned the responsibility to senior leader Gajendra Singh Shekhawat.
Four chambers have been created with one ballot box in each for the MPs and MLAs to mark their choice for the presidential candidate.
Green chits have been given to MPs while pink chits to MLAs.
As many as 616 MPs and nine MLAs had cast their votes here till 1 pm, recording a voting percentage of 83.
Counting of votes will be held on July 21.
(This story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)