This Article is From May 06, 2009

Price rise not on Mumbai poll agenda

Price rise not on Mumbai poll agenda
Mumbai: The heat and dust of campaigning in Mumbai have been dominated by political sparring on security.

While one heard BJP candidate Mahesh Jethmalani say: "The ruling alliance has lost the war against terror and against terrorist ideology."

Others heard, Congress candidate Milind Deora put forth: "The fact is that for the first time in our foreign policy history we got Pakistan to accept that a terror attack was planned on its soil."

But few parties had anything to say about rising prices - the burning issue for middle families like Jahnavi Dhayalkar's.

 "Earlier, I could manage groceries in three thousand rupees. Now I need at least six thousand," says Jahnavi.

Inflation may have come down, yet the Dayalkar's grocery bill continues to shoot up. Whether it's the price of rice, oil, vegetables or meat.

  • RICE Rs 25/kg - Rs 34/kg
  • OIL Rs 65/litre - Rs 69/litre
  • CABBAGE Rs 30/kg - Rs 40/kg 
  • MUTTON Rs 180/kg - Rs 200/kg
So, did politicians miss addressing this all important grouse?

In the meanwhile, Jahnavi and her neighbour are making small adjustments to absorb the shock.

"Earlier we used to make three vegetables a day so we could have a variety even for breakfast. Now we manage with two," says Surekha Nandgaokar, Housewife.

Across Mumbai, a city which is also grappling with job losses, grocery shops resemble mini battlefields. And rising prices may well be key to deciding political fortunes.
