This Article is From May 20, 2013

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, Chinese premier Li Keqiang address media: Highlights

New Delhi: Visiting Chinese premier Li Keqiang and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh held formal talks in New Delhi today and briefed the press. Here are the highlights:

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh

  • Sincerely appreciate the Chinese Premier for choosing India  for his first visit after assuming office.
  • We have had wide ranging and candid discussions on mutual  areas of concern.
  • Delighted that there are so many areas of convergence where there's a great deal of meeting of minds.
  • Relationship between the two countries is of great significance and important to sustained economic growth, stability and prosperity.
  • We want peace at the border, Premier Li and I have agreed this must continue to be preserved.
  • We took stock of lessons learnt from recent incident on Western sector.
  • Special representatives have been asked to consider further measures that may be needed to maintain peace along the border.
  • Special representatives will meet soon seeking early agreement for fair, reasonable and mutually acceptable boundary settlement.
  • Glad that we have agreed to extend cooperation on trans-border rivers.
  • Must build greater trust which will permit much larger cooperation.
  • World has enough space to accommodate growth aspirations of both of our people.
  • Invited increased Chinese involvement in India's infrastructure and manufacturing sectors.
  • Look forward to seeing Premier Li again.
  • Have accepted his gracious invitation to visit China at the earliest.

Premier Li Keqiang

  • Pleasure in joining PM to meet press.
  • With Manmohan Singh and other leaders, we've had multiple in-depth and candid discussions.
  • Most Important outcomes that leaders of the two countries have reached are strategic consensus, which has deepened our strategic trust.
  • Both sides believe that each country should see other's development as its own.
  • Amicable relations between India and China will be positive thing for Asia and good ties will provide new engines for world economy.
  • Since we're friends, we can speak candidly.
  • Won't deny There are problems between the two sides.
  • Both sides believe, with regard to boundary question, the sides have developed principles to settling the question.
  • We've worked to maintaining tranquility and peace in the border areas.
  • We need to improve various border-related mechanisms put into place and make them more efficient.
  • Need to resolve and manage our differences.
  • We have wisdom to resolve these issues and overcome our differences.
  • Both PM and I believe that there are more shared interests than differences.
  • India and China are friends. Neither side will do anything that damages the other's  interests.
  • With respect to trans-border rivers, we've shared hydrological information with India in recent years; ready to step up communication.
  • By conducting sincere dialogue, have reached above-mentioned consensus.
  • This is the joint view of our two governments and two peoples.
  • We have made a big stride forward in our relationship. 
  • The two governments have reached a joint statement that covers 5 major areas.
  • The PM, myself, and officials from both sides have witnessed the signing of agreements.
  • These are just the seeds. In the near future, these seeds will blossom into towering trees laden with fruits.
  • The two sides will discuss and explore ways for trade liberalisation.
  • Dynamic balance in our trading relationship also needs to be achieved.
  • The two sides have agreed to jointly explore PCIM economic corridor, will be able to increase connectivity between East Asia and South Asia.
  • Need to increase people to people exchanges in tourism, culture, youth affairs to increase mutual understating between our two peoples.
  • We have agreed to increase communication on major international and regional issues and in the United Nations.
  • Fair to say that the two sides have arrived at multiple significant outcomes that will help to deepen strategic trust.
  • I've made India my first stop on my first overseas trip (as premier). India is an important neighbor for China.
  • I have my own good sentiments towards India -- 27 years ago, I spent a week in this country and the seeds of friendship were shown.
  • Facing the future, we see potential for common developments.
  • Hope the seeds we sow today in spring will be harvested in autumn.
  • Look forward to PM Manmohan's visit later this year so that we can harvest fruits of our cooperation.
  • Want to thank the press for your hard work.

