This Article is From Oct 21, 2013

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh says India-Russia partnership 'special and privileged'

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh says India-Russia partnership 'special and privileged'

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh with Russian President Vladimir Putin

New Delhi: Russia and India today decided to further enhance their strategic cooperation and work for global peace and stability.

President Vladimir Putin of Russia and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh spoke of a "special and privileged strategic partnership" between the two countries after a prolonged summit meeting in Moscow. Speaking at the end of the meeting, President Putin said their "evaluations on major international issues are coinciding or are close".

Dr Singh almost echoed Putin's words when he said that the two countries had a "high degree of convergence on global developments and we collaborate constructively in international forums".

In a joint statement issued after the meeting, the two sides spoke of convergence on issues like Syria, Iran and Afghanistan.

India commended Russia's role in working towards a diplomatic solution to the Syrian conflict. The Russian side stated that it would welcome India's participation in Geneva- II.

Both the sides also approved efforts made by Afghanistan to begin an Afghan-led dialogue on reconciliation with the armed opposition forces, "provided that these groups should respect the principles adopted by the international community, namely, to recognise the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, to renounce violence and to sever ties with Al Qaeda and other terrorist organizations."

Interestingly, India and Russia have perhaps for the first time spoken jointly on Iran.

The two sides said they recognize Iran's right to continue using nuclear energy for peaceful purposes in accordance with its international obligations. Both the countries urged Iran to comply with the provisions of the UN Security Council and cooperate with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).