This Article is From Sep 30, 2013

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's US visit


Sep 30, 2013 16:23 (IST)

Sep 30, 2013 16:22 (IST)
'Dehati aurat' controversy: how Nawaz Sharif allegedly sent denial to Manmohan Singh
The "dehati aurat" comment attributed to him reportedly deeply upset Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif who swung into damage control mode, sending a message to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, saying he never used such language against him.
Sep 29, 2013 22:00 (IST)
BJP regrets Manmohan Singh- Nawaz Sharif meet despite continued terrorism
BJP today regretted Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's decision to meet his Pakistani counterpart Nawaz Sharif in New York despite continuing terror attacks in Jammu and Kashmir.
Sep 29, 2013 20:53 (IST)
NSA briefing on the Dr Singh-Sharif meeting:

  • PM-Nawaz Sharif met for a little over an hour
  • Reviewed the state of the relationship between India and Pakistan
  • Discussed steps necessary
  • Decided to task the DGMOs to suggest effective means to restore ceasefire and ensure that it stays in place
  • PM mentioned terrorism and the need for effective action
  • All that would be possible once dealt with immediate issues we face today
  • Siachen, Sir Creek also mentioned by Mr Sharif
  • It was useful as it provided a high-level meeting to address several issues
  • PM Nawaz Sharif said Pakistan's intention is to bring to book  perpetrators of 26/11 attacks. He said there would be action on Mumbai cases now that the judicial commission has been in India and gathered depositions
  • The basic understanding emerging from the meeting was that trade, etc would be possible once we have dealt with basic issues emanating from today
  • Overall impression: meeting was useful as it provided an opportunity for high-level contact
  • Both sides wish to see a better India-Pakistan relationship than we have today
  • From our point of view, an issue that is very important is addressing terrorism
  • Shiv Shankar Menon on a Q - "lachak? That's you interpretation "
  • In order to get to composite dialogue, we need to deal with issues that we face today like ceasefire violations and terrorism'
  • I am not an astrologer, can't tell you when it will happen
  • No decision on when there will be a meeting again. As for how useful the talks were, we'll only know in the months to come 
  • PM Sharif invited Dr Singh to visit Pakistan. PM Singh invited Pm Sharif to visit Pak. Both have accepted but no dates have been decided upon.
  • India raised funding of Jamaat-ud-Dawa by Pakistan's Punjab government

Sep 29, 2013 20:49 (IST)
Meeting between Dr Manmohan Singh and Nawaz Sharif ends. The two prime ministers met for a little over an hour.
Sep 29, 2013 20:23 (IST)
In front of flags of the two nations, Dr Manmohan Singh and Nawaz Sharif shook hands and made small talk before entering closed-door talks with aides
Sep 29, 2013 20:11 (IST)
Nawaz Sharif formally invites Dr Singh to visit Pakistan
Sep 29, 2013 20:00 (IST)
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and his Pakistani counterpart discussed ways to normalise bilateral ties, in the grim backdrop of India's concerns over continued terrorism emanating from Pakistan.

During the meeting on the sidelines of UN General Assembly, Dr Singh raised the issue of terrorism emanating from Pakistani soil and asked Islamabad to do more to curb the cross-border terrorism.

Sep 29, 2013 19:54 (IST)
PM Manmohan Singh meets Nawaz Sharif amid political pressure, controversy
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is holding his first one-on-one meeting with his Pakistani counterpart Nawaz Sharif in New York. The meeting comes against the backdrop of India's growing concern over terror attacks emanating from Pakistan.
Sep 29, 2013 19:50 (IST)
The two prime ministers shook hands as they started talks

Sep 29, 2013 19:46 (IST)

Sep 29, 2013 19:34 (IST)
Meeting between PM Manmohan Singh and Nawaz Sharif begins in New York

Sep 29, 2013 08:28 (IST)
Ahead of talks with Nawaz Sharif, PM talks tough on terror
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh will hold his first one-on-one meeting with his Pakistani counterpart Nawaz Sharif in New York this evening. The meeting comes against the backdrop of India's growing concern over terror attacks emanating from Pakistan.
Sep 28, 2013 23:28 (IST)
Need to pick up threads broken in 1999: Nawaz Sharif to NDTV
With Prime Minister Manmohan Singh saying that the "epicentre of terrorism remains focused in Pakistan", the stage has been set for a crucial, and possibly tense, meeting with Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif.
Sep 28, 2013 22:14 (IST)
Manmohan Singh is a good man, Nawaz Sharif tells NDTV
In an exclusive interview to NDTV ahead of his meeting with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, Pakistan PM Nawaz Sharif said the terror strike in Jammu is extremely unfortunate, but the dialogue process between the two neighbours should not be derailed.

Read highlights of the interview here:
Sep 28, 2013 22:02 (IST)
United Nations must be reformed to reflect political realities: PM Manmohan Singh
Making a strong case for the reform of the UN Security Council to reflect current political realities, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh today said global peace and security issues must be handled through multilateral efforts.
Sep 28, 2013 21:43 (IST)
Terror machinery that draws sustenance from Pakistan must be shut down: PM
In a hard-hitting speech, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh today asked Pakistan to shut down "terrorist machinery" on its soil while making it clear that there can "never, ever" be a compromise on the territorial integrity of India of which Jammu and Kashmir is an integral part.
Sep 28, 2013 21:24 (IST)
Full text of PM's statement at UN General Assembly
Addressing the United Nations General Assembly today, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said India is committed to resolving all issues with Pakistan, but for progress, it is imperative that the territory of Pakistan is not utilised for aiding and abetting terrorism directed against India.
Sep 28, 2013 21:11 (IST)
PM Manmohan Singh on terrorism and Pakistan at the UN General Assembly:

  • Terrorism remains a grave threat to security and stability everywhere
  • State-sponsored cross-border terrorism is of particular concern to India
  • The epicentre of terrorism in our region is located in our neighbourhood in Pakistan
  • Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif of Pakistan spoke of making a new beginning. I reciprocate his sentiments
  • Look forward to meeting Pak PM Nawaz Sharif tomorrow
  • India is committed sincerely to resolving all issues with Pakistan, including the issue of Jammu and Kashmir
  • Terrorist machinery that draws its sustenance from Pakistan be shut down
  • There must be a clear understanding of the fact Jammu and Kashmir is an integral part of India
Sep 28, 2013 20:55 (IST)

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is addressing the United Nations General Assembly. Following are the highlights:

  • Renewed attention on the role of the United Nations in advancing international peace, security and prosperity
  • Countries are now not only more interdependent, but also face new and increasingly complex challenges
  • The UN Security Council must be reformed and restructured; more developing countries should be included
  • A lingering global economic slowdown and continuing volatility in financial markets have imposed disproportionately heavy costs on developing countries
  • Poverty remains a major political and economic challenge and its eradication requires special attention and a new thrust
  • Growth and inclusive development are naturally important for all our countries
  • Growth requires supportive international economic environment, enhanced investment flows
  • Problems of over a billion people living in abject poverty around the world need to be attacked more directly
  • Issues of peace, security, human rights and governance are important and need to be addressed
  • Important that the UN set clear and concise goals and provide practical and well-defined means of implementation
  • UN should take the views of developing countries into account
  • Especially critical is women's equal access to economic opportunities
  • Important that women do not become victims of violence or targets of prejudice
  • India is proud of its partnerships with developing countries
  • India and Africa are engaging through the India-Africa Forum Summit process
  • We are committed to building 100 institutions in Africa
  • India has made available concessional assistance of over 9.5 billion US dollars to Africa
  • Must summon the necessary political will for crafting a robust global response to climate change 
  • We are deeply concerned about the future of West Asia
  • Conflict in Syria is not only a tragedy for the people of Syria, but also threatens stability and security in the region and beyond
  • India supports strongly the elimination of chemical weapons material and equipment in Syria
  • Must intensify efforts to end conflict in Syria and seek a political settlement
  • India supports an early realisation of a sovereign, independent, viable and united State of Palestine, with East Jerusalem as its capital
