This Article is From Apr 10, 2015

'Will Defend Right and Liberty of Every Citizen', Says PM Modi in France: Highlights

'Will Defend Right and Liberty of Every Citizen', Says PM Modi in France: Highlights
Prime Minister Narendra Modi addresses a gathering at the UNESCO programme in Paris
Paris, France:

Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed a gathering at the UNESCO programme in Paris during his 3-day official visit to France.

Here are the highlights of his speech:

  • Truly honoured to address UNESCO. Specially privileged to visit this great institution in its 70th anniversary year.
  • Through many challenges of our times, and the great progress of this era, the organization has endured and grown.
  • Our world is, and will remain a better place because of the United Nations.
  • Our collective goal is to seek a peaceful and prosperous future for our world in which every nation has a voice.
  • Seeds of our collective destiny are sown in human minds - nurtured by the light of education.
  • India values the worth of UNESCO deeply and cherishes its relationship.
  • I am aware of the extraordinary legacy of our relationship from the time of UNESCO's birth.
  • I'm grateful for UNESCO's support for education and science in India and preservation of our cultural heritage.
  • Recall Mahatma Gandhi's message to UNESCO calling for urgent action to address the needs of education to secure lasting peace.
  • Real progress is measured through empowerment of the weakest - this has been our creed since we assumed office almost a year ago.
  • The strength of a nation is determined by the joined hands of every citizen.
  • We will defend the right and liberty of every citizen.
  • Education always has a special place in our tradition - it is the wealth that increases by giving.
  • We (India) have built a modern state in an ancient land.
  • Have launched the most ambitious program for skill development in remotest village.
  • Programme to educate and support the girl child in India is one that is closest to my heart.
  • We shall judge our progress not just by cold statistics of growth, but by the warm glow of belief and hope on human faces.
  • Our Digital India will create a participative, transparent, and a responsive government connected to our citizens.
  • Highest priority for the government is to provide a roof over every head.
  • For us science is driven by larger purpose of human development and, for a safe, sustainable, prosperous future for India.
  • We have launched a heritage development and augmentation yojana (plan) - 'Hriday' or heart in Hindi.
  • UNESCO's initiatives to preserve the world's cultural heritage, including in India are inspiring.
  • The fault lines in our world are shifting from the boundaries of our nations to streets of our cities.
  • In many parts of the world, culture remains a source of conflict... familiarity does not always lead to fraternity or reduce prejudice.
  • Culture must connect, not divide, our world.
  • Our progress should inspire us to meet our challenges.
  • We must make more effort to revive, preserve and nurture traditional knowledge.
  • We must do more to harness science for human welfare in some of the most vulnerable parts of world-especially for health and food security.
  • In India, faith and nature have had a deep link since ancient times. For us the only path to development is a sustainable one.
  • Call for global public action to develop clean energy that is affordable and accessible to all.
  • Much that we can learn from Sri Aurobindo's spiritualism (PM Modi paid homage to his statue before speaking at UNESCO).
  • Climate change is a pressing global challenge and calls for a collective human action and comprehensive response.
  • UNESCO will always have a part to play in sustainable development, peace, and security
  • 70th anniversary is a moment to celebrate our remarkable journey so far.