Prime Minister Narendra Modi is on a three-day visit to Gujarat during which he will inaugurate the ninth edition of the Vibrant Gujarat Global Summit. The summit is being held in Gandhinagar from January 18 to 20. PM Modi will take part in other programmes during his January 17-19 visit which will also cover Silvassa, the capital of the neighbouring Union Territory of Dadra and Nagar Haveli.
Upon his arrival today, PM Modi inaugurated the 'Vibrant Gujarat Global Trade Show' in in Gandhinagar, an integral part of the biennial investor summit. Tomorrow morning, PM Modi will inaugurate the three-day summit. Heads of five countries and more than 30,000 national and international delegates, including CEOs of major companies from India and abroad, are expected to attend the 9th edition of the summit, according to organisers.
Here are the Highlights from PM Modi's Gujarat visit
At the Ahmedabad Shopping Festival I too could not resist from shopping! Purchased some Khadi products using the RuPay card.
- Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) January 17, 2019
I urge you all- keep buying Khadi and contribute to the empowerment of lakhs of weavers associated with the industry. It is also a great tribute to Bapu!
The Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Institute of Medical Sciences and Research is an excellent public hospital, which will strengthen the efforts to provide quality healthcare to the poor.
- Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) January 17, 2019
Am glad to have inaugurated the hospital and seen parts of it.