The Congress on Saturday termed Prime Minister Narendra Modi's 11 resolutions he articulated in his speech in the Lok Sabha as "hollow" and called him a "distorian" par excellence who "puts WhatsApp University to shame."
The opposition party also questioned why Prime Minister Modi, Union Home Minister Amit Shah and Defence Minister Rajnath Singh were not present in the House when Leader of Opposition Rahul Gandhi spoke while participating in a two-day debate on the "Glorious Journey of 75 Years of the Constitution of India."
PM Modi on Saturday said the Congress, having "tasted blood," repeatedly wounded the Constitution while his government's policies and decisions since it took office in 2014 have been aimed at boosting India's strength and unity in line with the Constitution.
Asked about the PM's remarks, Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi Vadra likened his over 110-minutes speech in the Lok Sabha to a "double period of mathematics" from school that "bored us." She also slammed his 11 resolutions as "hollow".
"PM has not spoken one thing which is new, he has bored us. It took me decades back, I felt like I'm sitting in that double period of Mathematics," she said.
"(JP) Nadda ji was also rubbing hands but as soon as Modi ji looked at him, he started acting as if he is listening attentively. Amit Shah also had his hand on head, (Piyush) Goyal ji was going off to sleep. It was a new experience for me. I had thought that the PM will say something new, something nice," she said.
Congress general secretary in-charge communications Jairam Ramesh said, "Mr. Narendra Modi has an MA in Entire Political Science -- whatever that means. Today in the Lok Sabha he showed that he is also a Distorian par excellence."
"Some people lie in their self-interest, but our self-styled non-biological PM does so because it is in his very nature. He puts WhatsApp University to shame," Mr Ramesh said.
Congress general secretary in-charge organisation K C Venugopal on X termed PM Modi's speech a hackneyed rant against his party.
"On a debate about India's Constitution, the PM once again decided to bring out his tired old speech about the Congress instead. While the people were expecting an answer from him on the injustice and inequality facing Indian society, he chose to bring up stale narratives against the Congress, which have lost all resonance among the public," he said.
"An insincere PM whose political gurus rejected the Constitution since day one will never be accepted by the people as being loyal to the Constitution. No matter how many speeches he gives, his hypocrisy will be exposed," Mr Venugopal said.
He also told reporters there was nothing new in what the PM said in the Parliament on Saturday. "It was only blame game against the Congress."
"Whenever we talk of the Constitution they did not respect Parliament. When LoP spoke, the prime minister, home minister and defence minister were absent, either they are scared of Rahul Gandhi or they don't believe in opposition politics," he said.
Congress' deputy leader in the Lok Sabha Gaurav Gogoi said PM Modi should thank party president Mallikarjun Kharge and Rahul Gandhi for proposing the idea of a special discussion on the Indian Constitution.
"It was only for the foresightedness of the Congress party that there was a vibrant discussion. We disagree on many issues with the BJP but the people of this country need to see the Parliament debating issues of national concern," he said.
Congress whip Manickam Tagore said the Leader of Opposition was present when the PM addressed the House, but PM Modi was absent when Mr Gandhi spoke. "Why this behaviour, Mr Prime Minister?" he asked.