Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi Vadra was sworn in as the Lok Sabha member from Kerala's Wayanad Thursday morning - in a kasavu, a traditional Kerala saree and with a copy of the red-bound Constitution in her hand. The latter has become a familiar sight after Rahul Gandhi began carrying it prominently to underscore allegations the ruling BJP is trying to alter or subvert its principles.
Ms Gandhi Vadra replaces her brother, Mr Gandhi, as the Wayanad MP; he surrendered the seat after also winning the family stronghold of Raebareli in Uttar Pradesh. She is now the third member of the Gandhi family in Parliament; her mother, Sonia Gandhi is the party's Rajya Sabha MP from Rajasthan.
"I am very happy today," she said and was greeted with loud cheers and chants of 'Bharat Jodo' as she took her oath. And, shortly after she and party colleague Ravindra Chavan from Maharashtra's Nanded, did so, the House was adjourned due to protests over issues like the violence in UP's Sambhal.
Priyanka Gandhi Vadra recorded a massive win from Wayanad when votes were counted on Saturday; she polled over 6.22 lakh votes, more than four lakh ahead of second-placed Sathyan Mokeri of the Communist Party of India and 5.12 lakh more than the BJP's Navya Haridas.
READ | Debutant Priyanka Gandhi Beats Brother Rahul's Wayanad Win Margin
Ms Gandhi thanked the voters in a long post on X, saying that she was overwhelmed by the trust people have posed in her. "I will make sure that over time, you truly feel this victory has been your victory and the person you chose to represent you understands your hopes and dreams and fights for you as one of your own. I look forward to being your voice in Parliament," she said.
My dearest sisters and brothers of Wayanad,
— Priyanka Gandhi Vadra (@priyankagandhi) November 23, 2024
I am overwhelmed with gratitude for the trust you have placed in me. I will make sure that over time, you truly feel this victory has been your victory and the person you chose to represent you understands your hopes and dreams and…
She also praised the contribution of her party colleagues, and her family members, including mother Sonia Gandhi, brother Rahul Gandhi, husband Robert Vadra and their two children.
Both Rahul Gandhi and Sonia Gandhi campaigned hard for Ms Gandhi Vadra, and Mr Gandhi challenged his sister to make Wayanad the best tourist destination. "When people think of Kerala, the first destination should be Wayanad. This will benefit the people of Wayanad and its economy..."
The triumph marked her electoral debut - a long-awaited moment for the party and its supporters, and one talked of before every major recent election, including the April-June federal poll in which there was talk she could contest from the Congress' Amethi bastion in UP.
Ms Gandhi Vadra's Parliament bow comes at a critical time for her party and for the opposition INDIA bloc, both of which have struggled to convince voters that it is a viable alternative for Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his BJP. Her presence in the Lok Sabha will add a new dimension to the party's strategy, particularly in the context of the southern states and its women voters.
With input from IANS
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