An irate mob went on a rampage in Bihar's Muzaffarpur district and allegedly torched several vehicles in a police station, following the death of a man during anti-liquor raids, officials said on Thursday. During an anti-liquor raid in Rampur Jaipal village on Wednesday evening, a man, identified as Jitendra Yadav, jumped into a pond to escape. However, he could not swim and drowned, they said.
Protesting over the death, villagers blocked the National Highway 57 with Yadav's body, Superintendent of Police (City) Arvind Pratap Singh told PTI.
"They suddenly went on a rampage and entered the campus of Garha police station. They torched two police vehicles and several seized bikes parked there," he said.
"However, there was no damage to the police station," he added.
Senior officers along with Fire Services reached the police station and brought the situation under control, Singh said.
"A case has been registered and the matter is further investigated," the SP said.
Alcohol was banned in Bihar by the Nitish Kumar government in 2016.
(This story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)