The Gauhati High Court on Friday directed the Assam government to provide the portable water supply to the shelter homes with an immediate effect. The Court also asked the government to provide the exact number of similar shelter camps in the entire state wherein the people displaced due to the eviction drive are being kept. The statistics would include the gender-wise distribution as well as the number of children sheltered in all these camps.
According to the report, the counter affidavit with requisite details will be placed on record within the next ten days. Justice Mridul Kumar Kalita stated pursuant to being requested to act as Amicus Curiae in this matter, senior Advocate BD Konwar visited and inspected the site of the temporary shelter at Changmaji Gaon, Mouza- Jamunamukh, Sub-Division- Daboka, DistrictHojai.
He has filed a detailed inspection report prepared by him. The senior advocate in his report indicates that there is a lack of proper drinking water facility in the camp. Thus, as an immediate remedial measure, properly filtered water supply is needed in the camp.