Puducherry Chief Minister V Narayanasamy on Tuesday accused Lt Governor Kiran Bedi of "being responsible" for the recent imposition of prohibitory order in and around the Raj Nivas and demanded its revocation, saying it was causing hardship to the public.
He also claimed the order under Section 144 was imposed by the district administration without consulting him or the Revenue Minister.
The district administration had imposed the ban order ahead of the three-day protest held by ruling Congress and its allies from Friday last, demanding recall of Ms Bedi for allegedly hampering implementation of government welfare programmes.
"The Lt Governor is responsible for the enforcement of the order which has come to cause hardships to the people. Bedi had also brought in Central forces on the ground there was need to ensure security to her office," Mr Narayanasamy told reporters.
"She had thus "caused unnecessary panic among the people," he said, adding the prohibitory order should be revoked by Wednesday.
The Chief Minister said people visiting places, including the Aurobindo Ashram and the general hospital, suffered because of the imposition of the ban order.
"The action of the district Collector (in imposing the prohibitory order) is a clear case of officials exceeding the limits of authority," he charged.
Ms Bedi and Mr Narayanasamy have been at loggerheads on various
issues ever since the former IPS officer assumed the office of the Lt Governor nearly five years ago.
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