At least 19 people were killed in separate incidents of flooding and wall collapse after heavy rains in Maharashtra's Pune district since Wednesday. Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis said this morning that the state government was closely monitoring the situation. More than 500 people from various water-logged areas were also shifted to safer places. Along with the fire brigade, personnel of the National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) were also engaged in rescuing people from various low-lying areas.
More than 500 people from various water-logged areas were also shifted to safer places following heavy rains in Pune on Wednesday night, a fire brigade official said. He also added that the rescue operation was still underway.
Here are the highlights of rain in Pune, Maharashtra:
- The chief minister said that 2 NDRF teams are deployed in Pune and 2 in Baramati
2 NDRF teams are deployed in Pune & 2 in Baramati.
- Devendra Fadnavis (@Dev_Fadnavis) September 26, 2019
One more NDRF team is on way to Baramati.
State Government is also closely monitoring the dam discharge.
Pained to know about the loss of lives in and around Pune due to heavy rains.
- Devendra Fadnavis (@Dev_Fadnavis) September 26, 2019
My deepest condolences to the families. We are providing all possible assistance needed.
State disaster management officials & control room in continuous touch with Pune collector and PMC.
- Water-logging is being reported in Sinhgad Road, Dhanakwadi, Balajinagar, Ambegaon, Sahakar Nagar, Parvati, Kolhewadi and Kirkatwadi
- At least 11 people were killed in separate incidents of flooding and wall collapse after heavy rains pounded Maharashtra's Pune district
- More than 500 people from various water-logged areas were also shifted to safer places following heavy rains in Pune on Wednesday night, a fire brigade official said. He also added that the rescue operation was still underway.
- Five people, including a nine-year-old boy, were killed in incidents of wall collapse on Wednesday night in Arneshwar area which was flooded after heavy showers, chief fire officer Prashant Ranpise said
- One person was found dead near a school in an inundated locality in Sahakar Nagar while another body was found in a car washed away near Sinhgad road, he said.
- Fire brigade, National Disaster Response Force personnel were also engaged in rescuing people from various low-lying areas.
- Rain stopped on Thursday morning, but many houses and residential societies in low-lying areas are still inundated.
- There were several reports of wall collapse and uprooting of
- trees in those places.
- A number of low-lying areas in and around Pune were flooded after heavy showers lashed the city on Wednesday.