A 30-year-old woman in Maharashtra's Pune has filed a complaint against her husband and in-laws for allegedly harassing her and forcing her to take bath under a waterfall in public, according to news agency ANI. The woman claimed that she was made to do so as part of a "ritual" advised by an occultist so that she can have a male child, the news agency further said. The police said that the woman got married to a businessman in the city in 2013 and harassment began soon after.
In her complaint, the woman claimed that her husband sold the gold ornaments and took loan worth Rs 75 lakh by mortgaging property given by her parents in a bank, Indian Express said, quoting police officials. The woman alleged that her signature was forged by her husband for the loan.
The Express report further said that the woman's husband came in contact with an occultist from Kolhapur who performed some rituals on her for "profits in the business".
She further said that the occultist, Moulana Baba Jamadar, asked the woman's husband to take her to Raigad for a bath under a waterfall in full public view so that she can "bear a male child", the report further said.
Acting on her complaint, the Pune Police on Sunday registered a First Information Report (FIR) or case against four people including the husband, in-laws and the occultist, reported ANI.
"Police have registered a case under various sections of the Indian Penal Code along with section 3 of Maharashtra Prevention and Eradication of Human Sacrifice and other Inhuman, Evil and Aghori Practices and Black Magic Act, 2013 against the four," Senior Police Inspector Jagannath Kalaskar of Pune's Bharti Vidyapeeth Police station was quoted as saying by the news agency.
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