This Article is From Feb 19, 2017

'Punished For A Sin I Never Committed,' Says Man Freed In Delhi Blast Case

All India Written by
Srinagar: It was an emotional family reunion for Mohammad Hussain Fazili. The 43-year-old is back at his home in Srinagar after spending 12 years in jail in connection with the 2005 Delhi serial blasts that left 67 dead.

On Thursday, Mr Fazili was acquitted along with another accused Rafiq Shah. Tariq Ahmad Dar, the third Kashmiri convicted in the case, has been sentenced to 10 years in jail. Mr Dar will however walk free because he has already spent 12 years in jail.

"I was punished for a sin I had never committed. Why have I been punished, when I did nothing? All those who made me suffer should be asked why have they done this to me. That will be the real justice," said Mr Fazili.

A shawl weaver, Mr Fazili never met with his ageing parents during his more than a decade of imprisonment. The cops who arrested him from his home had told his parents that he will be released in a matter of a few minutes.

Mr Fazili's arrest brought financial hardship on his parents. "We are very old and weak now. We have no strength to do any work, I have lost my vision," said Ghulam Rasool Fazili, recounting the tough times he faced while his son was in jail.

Mr Fazili's mother compared his acquittal to his rebirth. "It seems to us as if he has born just now, we are thankful to God that he gave him life," said Fatima.

Now that Mr Fazili is back with his parents, his family hopes that he will start a new life.