The Punjab government has appointed 1,378 security guards for all senior secondary government schools, Education Minister Harjot Singh Bains said on Wednesday. Chairing a programme at a local government school, Mr Bains said these security guards would take care of the safety of students and also ensure they do not leave the school premises during study time.
All senior secondary schools having student strength above 500 will have security guards, he said.
The minister said these security guards will be deployed at the entry and exit gates of the schools and will ensure that no student leaves the premises during school time without the permission of the principal, besides maintaining records of visitors, he said.
The minister said the state government has embarked on a special drive to transform the education sector with state-of-the-art infrastructure in government schools.
He said the government has set aside Rs 250 crore to build boundary walls for all government schools.
Likewise, nearly 2,000 campus managers were being appointed to take care of the maintenance of the school buildings, Mr Bains said.
For the first time, funds have been issued to schools for cleanliness, he said.
The government will issue Rs 3,000 to Rs 50,000 per month on the basis of the number of students in a school.
(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)