Punjab chief Minister Charanjit Singh Channi generated some buzz on social media with an unscheduled stop on Sunday night on his way home. In videos on Twitter, the Chief Minister was seen joining efforts to rescue a cow from a ditch.
"On my way back to the residence, a cow had fallen in a pit. Efforts are being made for the rescue," Mr Channi tweeted around midnight the same day, sharing a 17-minute video.
[Live] On my way back to the residence, a cow had fallen in a pit. Efforts are being made for the rescue
— Charanjit S Channi (@CHARANJITCHANNI) November 14, 2021
The video showed the Chief Minister giving his inputs as a group discussed, in Punjabi, the best way of pulling the cow to safety.
Mr Channi was also seen holding a torch as the group used ropes to pull the animal out.
According to the post of a journalist, Man Aman Singh Chhina, Mr Channi left saying the words: "Changa Maasi, dhyaan rakhin, bach gayi tu (great! You have been saved. Take care.)"
Mr Channi's video racked up over 15,000 views and close to 2,000 likes.
Many showered praise on him. Some drew comparisons with Navjot Singh Sidhu, the Punjab Congress Chief.
Mr Channi, 58, a three-time MLA, took over as Punjab Chief Minister in September after turbulent events that included the abrupt exit of his predecessor Amarinder Singh.
The Congress hopes that the self-made Dalit politician who has risen from the ranks can boost the party's campaign for the Punjab polls early next year, especially after a long spell of infighting between Amarinder Singh and Navjot Sidhu.
Mr Channi's first few months in office have been challenging with Mr Sidhu pushing back on many of his decisions, including the appointment of a police chief and Advocate General.
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