Commission agents known as Arhtiyas in Punjab will keep their shops shut for four days from Tuesday in protest against income tax raids allegedly conducted to intimidate them for supporting the farmers' stir against the centre's agriculture laws, according to a body representing them.
The Federation of Arhtiyas said income tax raids have been conducted on the premises of six commission agents in the past a few days.
"We have decided to shut our shops for four days to protest the action of the Income Tax Department against arhtiyas," said Vijay Kalra, president of the federation.
Mr Kalra is among the six commission agents whose premises were raided by the Income Tax Department.
Earlier, 14 commission agents in Punjab had received notices from the department.
Mr Kalra said the department took action to "browbeat" them for supporting agitating farmers against the centre's three farm laws.
On Saturday, Punjab Chief Minister Amarinder Singh too had accused the centre of indulging in "intimidatory tactics" against commission agents by conducting income tax raids on their premises.
The chief minister had termed the raids as "motivated" and a "pressure tactic" to curb their democratic right and freedom.