In a show of strength in Punjab ahead of 2019 elections, Chief Minister Amarinder Singh and Parkash Singh Badal's Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD) held rallies in eachother's strongholds. While the Badals held a rally in Patiala, the constituency of Captain Singh, scion of the erstwhile Patiala royal family, the ruling Congress organized a rally in Muktsar, SAD patriarch Parkash Singh Badal's bastion.
Led by Amarinder Singh, the Congress has launched a 'Mission 13' poster for 13 Lok Sabha seats. Both the political parties have traded accusations about the rampant drug problem in Punjab and the problem of farmers. Captain Singh blamed the Badals for their problems.
"It is shameful that the Badals did not know about destruction of our future generations by the drugs pushed into the state from across the border. They also failed to save the farmers from debt burden," Captain Singh said.
On the other hand, the Badals accused the Congress of exploiting religious sentiments. "Amarinder Singh is making an effort to control the gurdwaras and occupy the Shiromani committee, which was made after lot of sacrifices," Parkash Singh Badal said.
Both the parties made immense effort to mobilise public support for the rallies and will keep a close eye on public mood ahead of the elections.
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