RJD leader Rabri Devi on Sunday hit out at Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar, saying that he is on a political journey of Rs 24,500 crore known as "Jal-Jeevan-Haryali" but is least bothered about pressing problems like unemployment.
बिहार के मुख्यमंत्री ढोल नगाड़ा भोंपू लेकर "जल जीवन हरियाली" नामक 24,500 करोड़ की राजनीतिक यात्रा पर है।
— Rabri Devi (@RabriDeviRJD) December 28, 2019
15 वर्षों से पटना मे जलजमाव, चमकी बुखार, बाढ़, पलायन और बेरोजग़ारी का निदान नहीं ढूँढने वाले सीएम ग़रीब राज्य मे इतनी महँगी यात्रा के नाम पर भ्रष्टाचारिक प्रदूषण फैला रहे है।
"The Bihar Chief Minister with all pomp is on a political journey of Rs 24,500 crore. For 15 years, the Chief Minister, who has not been able to solve the issues of waterlogging, floods, emigration and unemployment in Patna, is spreading pollution of corruption in the name of such a costly journey in the poor state," she said in a tweet.
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