The Delhi Police's Economic Offences Wing has served a notice to Niira Radia and other promoters and directors of Nayati Healthcare and research NCR Pvt Ltd to join investigation in connection with alleged embezzlement of over Rs 300 crore of bank loan, officials said.
The notice was served on Monday, they said.
A senior police officer said Niira Radia and others have been asked to appear before police next week.
According to the police, three persons identified as Yateesh Wahaal, Satish Kumar Narula and Rahul Singh Yadav were arrested on Thursday for misappropriation of crores of rupees.
They said a complaint was filed by orthopaedic surgeon Rajeev Kumar Sharma against Naarayani Investment Pvt Ltd., holding company of Nayati Healthcare and Research NCR Pvt Ltd. and its promotors and directors Radia, her sister Karuna Menon, Narula, Wahaal and others.
It is stated that Sharma is the vice-chairman and executive director of Naarayani Investment Pvt Ltd. The company was incorporated with a view to build and run a hospital in Gurgaon and the complainant was having 49 per cent shares whereas remaining 51 per cent shares were held by other two directors of the company Chandan Mishra and Charchit Mishra, a senior police officer said in a release.
The complainant was also promised a remuneration of Rs 30 lakh per month as his professional fees for his services. It is further stated that during the construction of Gurgaon Hospital, OSL Healthcare Pvt Ltd faced certain financial problem and majority shareholders/directors sold their shares (51 per cent) to Naarayani Investment Pvt Ltd at the consideration of Rs 99 crore, police said.
Once the alleged persons or company entered into the shoes of majority shareholder, they took all the major decisions. It is alleged that the company took a loan of Rs 312 crore from YES Bank for development of Gurgaon Hospital, but the money was not used for the said purpose and misappropriated by the alleged persons, the officer said.
It is further alleged that they had not paid the complainant his professional fees worth Rs 15.28 crore and brought down his shareholding deceitfully from 49 per cent to 6.3 per cent, police said.
During investigation, it was found that Naarayani Investment Pvt Ltd having 93 per cent of shareholding and Radia is the main promotor of the company. After receiving a loan amount of Rs 312 crore from YES Bank by the alleged company, a sum of Rs 208 crore was transferred to a bank account in the name of Ahluwalia Construction.
On verification of the account, it was found that the account was opened by one Rahul Singh Yadav only with a view to divert or siphon off the loan amount as it was a dummy account, police said.
They also said the transfer of Rs 208 crore was authorised by Wahaal and Narula, being director and authorised signatory of the loan account of the alleged company.
Police conducted raids at various places in Delhi and NCR and apprehended all three accused persons. After interrogation, all were arrested, Additional Commissioner of Police (EOW) RK Singh said.
Other directors and promoters are being examined to ascertain their role and involvement in the whole incident. It is further found that money transferred to the account of Ahluwalia Construction was further transferred to several other beneficiaries, which are being verified during investigation, Mr Singh said.
(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)