AAP Rajya Sabha MP Raghav Chadha and actor Parineeti Chopra celebrated their first wedding anniversary on Tuesday, September 24. Sharing a picture from their celebration on the special day at the beach, Mr Chadha took a moment to reflect on their journey together.
The two were seen enjoying a relaxing time at a beach, sharing a hug, doing a slow walk hand-in-hand by the beach and also enjoying some cycling time at the location.
He wrote, "A year already? It feels like just yesterday we were exchanging vows. I wish we'd met sooner. You've made every day so special, whether it's the quiet moments at home or the big adventures around the world. You've been my rock, my support system, and my best friend through it all. Thank you for making this year so unforgettable. I can't wait to see what the future holds for us, Paru. Happy first anniversary, my love!"
Parineeti also shared stunning pictures from their anniversary celebration. The pictures accompanied with an extensive caption read, "We had a quiet day yesterday, just the two of us...But we read every wish and message from you all and couldn't be more grateful. Ragaii - I don't know what I did in my past life and this one, to deserve you. I have married the perfect gentleman, my goofy friend, sensitive partner, my mature husband (thank god because....me!) , a straight up honest human being, the best son, brother-in-law and son-in-law."
She added in her post, "Your dedication and commitment to our Country inspires me SO much. I love you too too much. Why didn't we meet sooner? Happy anniversary Raghav Chadha. We are one."
The couple tied the knot last year at the Leela Palace Hotel in Udaipur in Rajasthan which was attended by close friends and family, and several well-known faces from the entertainment industry and politics.
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