Kannada actor Divya Spandana, a former member of the Lok Sabha, recently opened up about struggling with suicidal thoughts after her father's death and revealed that Congress leader Rahul Gandhi gave her emotional support.
Ms Spandana, who has been the spokesperson of the Congress, talked about losing her father in an episode of the Kannada talk show Weekend with Ramesh Season 5.
"Two weeks after I lost my father, I was in the Parliament. I didn't know anyone or anything, even about the proceedings of the Parliament," Pinkvilla quoted her as saying.
Ms Spandana said she gradually learned everything and "channeled my grief towards my work". She said the "people of Mandya" gave her the confidence, the report added.
On dealing with suicidal thoughts, she said Mr Gandhi was there to support her emotionally when her father died. "My mother is the biggest influence in my life, next is my father, and the third is Rahul Gandhi," she added.
The former Congress MP said she was contemplating suicide after her father's death and that she had also lost the election. "During that time, Rahul Gandhi helped me and supported me emotionally too," she said.
Ms Spandana joined the Youth Congress in 2012. She won from the Mandya Lok Sabha constituency in Karnataka in the 2013 by-election. She served as the social media head of the Congress but later stepped down from the post.
Last year, she announced her comeback to the film industry and launched her own production house. "The 'sihi suddi' most of you guessed right - I am going to be doing films again!! This time though I will also be producing through my boutique production house Apple Box Studios," the actor said in a statement.
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