Targeting Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Rahul Gandhi today in parliament said the gap between the "rich India" and "poor India" is widening. From Pegasus snooping row to unemployment and tensions with China, he touched on several issues.
Here are Rahul Gandhi's top quotes:
"There are two Indias, one India is for the extremely rich people - for those who have immense wealth, immense power, for those who don't need a job, those who don't need water connection, electricity connections, but for those who control the heartbeat of the country. And then another India for the poor. The gap between these two Indias is widening."
"Poor people can see India's richest 100 have more wealth than 55 crore people. Prime Minister should start uniting these two Indias at the earliest. You are giving everything to few people who put you on TV, WhatsApp."
"I am very worried about my country standing where it's standing. You're putting this nation and its people at huge risk. You (the government) have brought China and Pakistan together. We have made huge strategic mistakes in Jammu and Kashmir."
"My understanding is that the RSS and the BJP are playing with the foundation of our country. They are ensuring not a single youth can get a job.
"Ask yourself why you are not able to get a guest on Republic Day. India today is completely isolated and surrounded."
"You talk of "Make in India". But there cannot be "Make in India" today. The matter has ended because who are the people involved in "Make in India"? Small and medium industry, unorganized sector that you have finished. "Make in India" is not going to take place."
"You speak of providing employment, Three crore youth lost their jobs in 2021. Today India is facing the highest unemployment in 50 years. You talk of Made in India, Start-Up India, but the youth didn't get the jobs they were supposed to. The one they had has disappeared."
"I'll speak on emergency as well. I don't fear talking about it. There are two visions of India. No power has been able to challenge this bouquet of flowers. The idea of king has come back which the Congress removed in 1947. Now there is a "Shehanshah". Now the instruments of the conversations between our state, people are being attacked by one idea. Farmers protested for one year, the King doesn't listen."
"If you read the constitution you'll find that India is described as a union of states... it is not described as a nation. that means a brother from Tamil Nadu has the same rights as my brother from Maharasthra... of course J&K, Manipur, Lakshadweep. "
"The Presidental Address was a long list of things that the government claims to have done but didn't really contain the deeper strategic issues that we would have liked to see. It didn't touch a couple of central challenges facing our country.. To me, it seemed that Presidential Address was a list of bureaucratic ideas instead of a strategic vision."