Congress president Rahul Gandhi today launched the election campaign in Rajasthan, with a day-long visit to the state capital Jaipur, where he is addressing party leaders and workers who have gathered from across the state at the Ramlila ground. According to AICC general secretary Avinash Pande, Rahul Gandhi is scheduled to discuss the roadmap and strategy for the polls and guide the party leaders and workers during his visit. Sources said Rahul Gandhi was welcomed at over 14 points from Jaipur airport to Ramlila ground. He undertook a 13-kilometre road show in a specially designed bus.
Here are the updates of Rahul Gandhi's campaign In Rajasthan:
CP @RahulGandhi addresses a gathering of party workers and leaders in Jaipur #RajWelcomesRahulGandhi
- Congress (@INCIndia) August 11, 2018
Mr 56's best buddy, asked me to "check my facts" when I said the BJP fuels violence against Dalits & Adivasis.
- Rahul Gandhi (@RahulGandhi) August 11, 2018
I hope the fact check I'm attaching below, will wake him and Mr 56 up from their deep slumber on these rising atrocities; or I and the Congress party will.