BJP lawmaker from Uttar Pradesh, Surendra Singh who has an infamous track record of making offensive statements, is once again at it. This time, the lawmaker from Ballia, targeted Rahul Gandhi and his sister Priyanka Gandhi Vadra, after a poster depicting the former as Lord Ram was spotted in Patna. Speaking to reporters on Tuesday, Mr Singh called the Congress president "Raavan" and his sister "Surpanakha".
Comparing the Congress party to a "broken ship", which can never win the upcoming Lok Sabha elections, Mr Singh said that Rahul Gandhi has "brought his sister into politics" because he won't be able to fight Narendra Modi alone.
"We all know that before Ram and Raavan fought in Lanka, Raavan sent his sister Shurpanakha. It looks like (in upcoming Lok Sabha elections), Rahul will play the role of Raavan, while as Ram, Prime Minister Narendra Modi will make India proud...People should think that Ram has won...Narendra Modi will become the Prime Minister again," the BJP lawmaker said.
Mr Singh had came out in support of his party colleague Sadhana Singh, who raised a political storm for her offensive comments against Bahujan Samaj Party chief Mayawati, calling her "a blot on womankind" for "selling her dignity for power", after the alliance with Samajwati Party. "The manner in which Mayawati has joined hands with the Samajwadi Party after the state guest house case of 1995 goes on to prove that she has no self-respect," said Mr Singh.
Mr Singh had hit headlines after advising people to have five children in order to increase the population of Hindus in India. He had also once compared bureaucrats to prostitutes and asked his supporters to give officials a "ghoosa" (punch) if they ask for "ghoos" (bribe). "Prostitutes are better than government officials, they at least do their work," he had said.
(With inputs from ANI)
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