Amid the huge uproar in Lok Sabha over a "flying kiss" by Congress leader Rahul Gandhi, sources from the party have said that the party MP was gesturing towards the treasury benches in general and that it was not directed towards any minister or MP in particular.
"Rahul Gandhi gestured towards the treasury benches as he was leaving with a flying kiss as he had called them brothers and sisters. He did not direct it towards any particular minister or MP, and not at all towards Union Minister Smriti Irani," a Congress leader said.
Ms Irani, who spoke during the debate on the no confidence motion against the BJP government right after Mr Gandhi, has alleged that the Congress MP blew a flying kiss before leaving the House.
"The one who was given the chance to speak before me displayed indecency before leaving. It is only a misogynistic man who can give a flying kiss to a Parliament which seats female members of Parliament. Such undignified conduct has never before seen in the Parliament of the country...," Ms Irani said.
Later, speaking to the media outside Parliament, she said "never before has the misogynistic behaviour of a man been so visible in Parliament". "When the House of the People, where laws are made to protect the dignity of women, during the course of a session stands witness to a man's misogyny, my question is should he be brought to task?" she asked.
Union Minister and BJP leader Shobha Karandlaje said several women MPs have filed a complaint with Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla against Mr Gandhi.
"This is inappropriate and indecent behaviour of a Member. Senior members are telling that this has never happened in the history of the Parliament of India... What is this behaviour? What kind of a leader is he? We have complained to the Speaker to take CCTV footage of it and take action against him. This is what we have demanded," she added.
Earlier, Mr Gandhi accused the Narendra Modi government of murdering India in Manipur and questioned why the Prime Minister had not visited the state where the ongoing unrest have claimed over a 100 lives.
"India is a voice, a voice of the heart. You have killed that voice in Manipur. You have murdered Bharat Mata in Manipur. You are traitors. My mother is sitting here. The other mother, Bharat Mata, you killed her in Manipur. That is why Prime Minister does not visit Manipur. You are not protectors of Bharat Mata, you are her killers," he said.