This Article is From Feb 27, 2018

Rahul Gandhi Says In Alcohol-Free Bihar, Drunk BJP Leader Killed 9 Kids

Manoj Baitha, a BJP leader from Sitamarhi, had allegedly mowed down 9 children in Bihar's Muzaffarpur on Saturday. In his tweet, Rahul Gandhi attacked Nitish Kumar and said the BJP leaded was drunk at the time

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New Delhi: Congress chief Rahul Gandhi today took on Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar, citing the drink driving case in Muzaffarpur that resulted in the deaths of nine children and mocking him over prohibition in the state. A local BJP leader was allegedly behind the wheels of the speeding car that mowed down the children, who were crossing a road. A case has been filed against Manoj Baitha, the Bihar police said today.

The BJP leader from Sitamarhi allegedly got off the car and ran after he hit the children on Saturday. The complaint -- filed by a man who lost five grandchildren in the accident -- also said footage from CCTV cameras in the area showed Mr Baitha was driving the car.

In a tweet today, Mr Gandhi hit out at prohibition - a project close to the heart of the Chief Minister, which also brought him a chunk of votes during the 2015 assembly elections in the state. He also took a dig at Mr Kumar's "voice of conscience" -- a reference to the time he had dumped the Congress and the Lalu Yadav to partner with the BJP to form a new government in the state.

His tweet, in Hindi, read: "In alcoholism-free Bihar, a drunk BJP leader crushed nine innocent children to death. Nitish ji, is this the truth behind your prohibition? Who is your voice of conscience protecting today -- the accused BJP leader or the truth about alcohol in Bihar?"

The Congress was part of the Grand Alliance government in Bihar till July last year, when the Chief Minister ended the alliance. At the time, he said his "conscience" would not allow him to continue with the partnership in view of the corruption allegations against the family of Lalu Yadav. "The atmosphere had become such that it was impossible to work... my conscience told me to quit," was how he had put it.

Lalu Yadav's RJD has threatened the government with huge protests unless Manoj Baitha is arrested by Monday. The BJP leader has been on the run since the accident. "Till Baitha is arrested, agitation from road to floor of the assembly will continue," said Tejasvi Yadav.

The BJP has not denied that the accused leader belongs to the party, but said he is not an office bearer, as some reports have said.