On the second day of his Madhya Pradesh tour, Congress president Rahul Gandhi will visit a number of places and will address two rallies. The leader is scheduled to visit Mhow via Rau. Mhow is also known as Dr Ambedkar Nagar, which is the birthplace of Dalit icon BR Ambedkar. Mr Gandhi will also address rallies in Jhabua and Khargone. On Monday, Rahul Gandhi began his tour of politically significant Malwa-Nimar region in the poll-bound Madhya Pradesh by offering prayers at the famous Mahakaleshwar Temple, devoted to Lord Shiva.
Madhya Pradesh will vote on November 28 for a new assembly. The Congress aims at defeating the ruling BJP, which has been in power in the state for 15 years.
Here are the live updates of Rahul Gandhi's Madhya Pradesh visit:
Congress president Rahul Gandhi alleged today that Prime Minister Narendra Modi has "failed" to keep his electoral promise of ushering in "acche din" (good days) and people are feeling "betrayed" now.